- GUI Mode - Interactive + GUI
- Silent Mode - Non-Interactive + Non-GUI
Let us assume that the name of the executable file is Setup.exe
1.1 GUI Mode
By default, all our product installers are configured to run in GUI mode. To run the installer in GUI mode, execute the command
in commmand prompt (or) click on the exe file in the explorer.
1.2 Silent Mode
Steps to be followed to install IS-Pro installer in Silent Mode.
Create a response file using GUI mode for both Installer and Uninstaller.
Invoke the installer in silent mode with required options and supply the created response file as an argument.
1.2.1 Creating Response File
A normal(GUI) setup receives the necessary input from the user in the form of responses to dialog boxes. However, a silent setup does not prompt the user for input. A silent setup must gets its user input from a different source, which is nothing but the InstallShield Silent response file(.iss).
To create a response file, execute the following command.
Setup.exe -a -r
This command will create a response file named Setup.iss in WINDIR (C:\WINNT).
Setup.exe -a -r -f1<response file path>
Where <response file path> is the path of the response file, such that the directory of the mentioned path should exist.
Please note that there should be no space char in between the option -f1 and the <responsefilepath>.
Ex: Setup.exe -a -r -f1C:\ISdemo\install.iss
Please ensure that the directory C:\ISdemo is exists.
1.2.2 Response File Usage
Steps to use the response file to run the installer in silent mode.
Create the response file as said in section 1.2.1
Edit the response file to specify the installlocation and other responses.
run the following command
Setup.exe -s -a -s -f1<response file path>
Ex: Setup.exe -s -a -s -f1C:\ISdemo\install.iss